Filip Bielecki

Attorney at law

site builder

Counselor Bielecki's professional career has been oriented towards real estate matters from the very beginning, and for many years he has been mainly involved in real estate inheritance and succession cases, particularly involving foreign Clients.

We have successfully completed a number of inheritance cases involving foreign Clients, including those from both the European Union and the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and Australia, securing the valuable assets of our Clients. 

We invite you to contact us.


Our goals

Our goal is to solve and efficiently finalize the case in cooperation with the Client



We are working with foreign lawyers to provide our international clients with an even better understanding of the process and to make the procedures even more accessible



The fee is determined on a case-by-case basis, it is mainly a success fee

Our Contacts


ul. Bóżnicza 2/2, 61-751 Poznań, Poland



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